Customs Clearance

Our professional activity is connected with transportation and customs clearance of both general and assembled cargoes: light industry goods (fabrics, leather, furniture, household and household goods, etc.), spare parts for specialised machinery, auto parts, industrial equipment and components, stationery and advertising products, etc. We perform all stages of customs clearance.

Acting strictly in the interests of the client and strictly adhering to the customs rules and legislation of the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation, we fulfil all stages of customs clearance:

- Determination of TN VED codes;

- Preparation and submission of all types of cargo customs declarations (GTE);

- Accreditation of foreign trade subjects;

- Competent calculation and payment of payments (duties) regulated by law;

- Registration of goods (export or import);

- Obtaining licences, permits and certificates;

- Assistance in the process of registration of other necessary supporting documentation and in solving any non-standard tasks.

To get more detailed advice in the matter you are interested in, please contact us by phone or visit us.

Istanbul office: +90 (212) 698 60 71

Moscow office: +7 (916) 948 51 27

[email protected]